Hello everybody, it's been awhile now, more then a month i should say but as promised i came back with a fresh movie from the 80's, and one of my favourites as well.
Rain Man is directed by Barry Levinson (in his good days) and interpreted by Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman which won the Oscar for Best Leading Role. The movie also won Best Picture, Screenplay and Best Directing.
It's a wonderful story about two brothers that never met eachother. The full summary of the story is like i use to say, simple.
A car dealer and hustler Charlie (Tom Cruise) is kicked out of the house as a teenager by his father. Nowadays he knows that his father has died and left him a only a car, a 1948 Buick convertible. At the same time he get's to know that not only his father left 3 million dollars in cash, but he left it to Charlie's brother, which he never met for his entire life. Charlie then goes to visit his new brother Raymond (Dustin Hoffman), an autistic man with the ability to make complicated mathematical problems in his head very fast and with accuracy. Raymond lives in a mental institution, living in his own world, in his daily routines, with his TV programs and his nagging acts.
It's then that Charlie kidnaps his brother with the selfish interest of course, of getting the 3 million dollars for himself. It's then that Charlie starts to see what his brother really is, a nagging person which doesn't fly by airplane, only by Quantas airlines, has programmed his food habits for each day of the week and has to watch his TV programmes at a specific hour of the day.
Charlie and Raymond start an amazing journey with his father's old car, through out the country. Charlie begins discovering love and understanding with a brother he never met, and puts his greed and selfishness aside to discover and understand the intriguing world of Raymond's mind.
Barry Levison delivers us a improbable but amzing heartfull movie which was a winner at it's time. With master direction, simple and storyline with great dialogues and portrayed masterfully by Dustin Hoffman with a little help from Tom Cruise, Rain Man is a shinning adventure of two brothers who never met but have a love for eachother, which with time will be discovered.
It's a must see for everybody, this powerfull Drama from the 80's. Time when movies were still dinamic, original and excelent.
Good movies to you all. See you soon.
I'm sorry if the trailer links of most of the posts here are now down. I will try to update them as soon as possible.